From 2024 Highlights to 2025 Innovations: A Look at the World Beer Cup
From 2024 Highlights to 2025 Innovations: A Look at the World Beer Cup
The 2024 Edition marked the 15th Anniversary of the WBC, it gathered +9300 Beers from +2000 Breweries across +50 Countries. As “the Olympics of beer” returns this April, we take a look at last year’s highlights and the innovations in store for this new edition.
What Was New in 2024 and What’s Coming in 2025?
In 2024 the most relevant update to the Styles Guidelines was the introduction of two new categories: “Dessert Stout or Pastry Stout” & “West Coast-Style India Pale Ale”. The hop-forward style ended up being the second most competitive category of the whole competition with 281 entries, the medals remained where it all started, with Gold, Silver and Bronze all going to Californian Breweries.
This year, for the first time ever, Italian-style Pilsener will have a dedicated category.
“…the style was already quite present in competition, but this addition has given the style a proper “home” in the context of competition. Having a suitable venue for the entry and evaluation of these beers should increase the number of Italian Pilsners in beer contests and help provide a true global benchmark for the style.” – Chris Williams, Competition Director.
More importantly, the WBC is introducing a new beverage: Cider!
Cidermakers from across the globe will go head-to-head in 6 different categories to find out who makes the best cider.
A few surprising “firsts” happened in 2024!
Chile, Peru and Spain got Medals!
These were the three new countries to enter the prestigious medal table.
Chile got two medals, Cervecera Cuello Negro got a Silver for their Stout in the “Export Stout” Category and Cervecería Kross got a Gold for their IPA Pomelo (Grapefruit) in the “Experimental India Pale Ale” Category.
Cerveza 7 Vidas conquered the two medals for Peru. A Silver for its Breakfast Oatmeal Stout in the “Coffee Stout or Porter” Category and a Gold for Rose Brut in the “Fruit Beer” Category. Both beers highlighted local ingredients - the first featuring specialty coffee and cacao nibs from the “Selva Central", and the second one incorporating grapes (uva italia) from local vineyards along with the addition of blueberries.
Spain’s medal was a Bronze for Grisette, produced by DÚA Sparkling Beer, in the “Session Beer or Belgian-Style Table Beer” Category. A unique brew that showcases the true terroir of Asturias, using microflora captured from spontaneously fermented cider to referment the beer.
Full Category Sweep – 10 Barrel Brewing Co.
The then lead team by Tonya Cornett -multiple award-winning brewer and 2024 Russell Schehrer Award recipient- dominated and took all 3 awards on the “German-Style Sour Ale” Category.
However, not all “firsts” were great. Belgium’s Unexpected Absence
This was the first time ever without a single medal for this great brewing nation, eagerly awaiting to see this change in the upcoming edition. The only countries that have consistently won at least one medal in every edition are: Canada, Germany, Japan and USA.
South American Breweries continue to display brewing excellence
Alongside with Chile and Perú, Argentina and Brazil won some coveted medals!
Argentina continued an impressive 3-year streak with Medal winning brews! JuguetesPerdidos secured its second WBC award- following a Gold in 2023- by winning a Bronze for its Sour Power in the “Belgian-Style Flanders Oud Bruin or Oud Red Ale” Category.
Brazil terminated a short hiatus without Awards, getting a total of four Medals: twoSilvers and two Golds. Brew Center Cervejar Especiais got a Silver for its St. Patrick's Imperial Stout & Gold for their St. Patrick's Old Ale. Caatinga Rocks took Silver for Mandacaru Atômico and Suricato won Gold with Goiabinha, these two awards in “Specialty Berliner-Style Weisse” and “Contemporary Gose” respectivelyreflect the heavy influence of the style created and mastered in that country: Catharina Sour.
Heavy Hitters
Winning just one medal is proven to be a huge feat in this Competition. So, for a brewery to take a medal with the same beer for 3 straight years is a milestone and that is exactly what Fort Myers Brewing Co. accomplished with their Chocolate Stout.
Among the top-winning brands, there were three Breweries that took home fourMedals:
Formula Brewing – WA
10 Barrel Brewing Co. (Two locations) - OR
Green Cheek Beer Co. (Two locations) – CA
Once again, the brewing world turns its attention to the highly anticipated World Beer Cup, set to take place in Indianapolis!
Awards Ceremony - Indiana Convention Center
May 1, 2025